Upgrade your product with AI-powered automation

Next-gen embedded iPaaS to ship integrations 10x faster

Accelerate your integration development with the only true self-hosted embedded iPaaS that seamlessly embeds pre-built integration templates and powerful no-code automation into your SaaS product.

Trusted by global brands and visionary product leaders

Integrate your product with any other instantly

Pre-build common integrations in Appmixer and embed simple-to-use integration templates into your SaaS product, allowing your customers to connect to any application without writing a single line of code. Explore more.

Embed our white-label automation designer

Seamlessly integrate our no-code automation designer into your SaaS product, customize its look and feel to match your brand and UI, and empower your power users to build complex automations on their own. Explore more.

Scalable platform empowering any SaaS company

Shorter time to market for integration delivery
Transactions handled by Appmixer monthly
Average time to build a custom connector

Product tour: See Appmixer in action

Discover the 'how' through our interactive product tour. Grasp key concepts and make an informed choice.

One platform, hundreds of use cases

Integrations and automation pose unique challenges across different segments—each with its own nuances. Appmixer elegantly solves them all.

Real-time contact lookup

Equip agents with comprehensive customer insights the moment they answer a call. Seamlessly sync real-time data from CRM systems like Salesforce, Pipedrive, HubSpot, and others.

Automatic call logging

Automatically analyze call sentiment and store records in any database—no coding required.

Full-featured IVR builder

Integrate the no-code designer into your cloud communications app and enable your customers to create custom IVR flows.

Alert-driven workflows

Let your customers build customized workflows when a security alert occurs—like creating a ticket in Jira or notifying a team on Slack. All in a no-code fashion.

Bi-directional integrations

Integrate with popular or niche ticketing systems to automate bi-directional workflows. Enable alert-based ticket creation and status updates back in your system once tickets are closed.

Client-specific workflows

Customize workflows for your high-value customers' unique needs—no development team needed.

Professional marketing automation

Empower your customers an intuitive drag & drop environment to design trigger-based workflows, backed by a powerful automation engine. Leverage a ready-to-embed marketing automation studio including a set of pre-built connectors, advanced logic and timers.

In-app integration marketplace

Need to integrate with Salesforce, Marketo, or Segment? Deploy everything within hours and begin syncing data between your software and hundreds of others. It's all possible in a click-and-play environment that your customers will find intuitive.

Automated document processing

Respond to triggers like a new document signing by activating a sequence of actions—from summarizing the document with AI to storing it in a database. Or, automatically convert documents into different formats. The possibilities are limitless.

Human-in-the-loop workflows

Enhance critical workflow accuracy by integrating human insight. Include a step for final document approval to complement your automated processes.

Integration to any API, effortlessly

Do you have DocuSign, Xero, QuickBooks on your integration backlog? Launch them in just a few days and enable your customers to reap the benefits of powerful integrations.

Custom-tailored client workflows

Receiving custom integration requests from universities or other high-value clients? Opt for no-code solutions to meet their needs swiftly—no development team required.
toggle-off Created with Sketch Beta.

Easy-to-trigger integrations

Enable students to connect with their preferred tools seamlessly. Embed pre-configured integration templates into your e-learning application and address their integration needs. Need to update the status of a course after completing a video on Udemy? It's literally just a few clicks away.

Robust no-code automation

Every client comes with a set of unique requirements. Let them design workflows—including specialized connectors or logic–based on their needs, without ever having to contact your support team.

Bespoke event-driven workflows

Empower your customer success team with a no-code interface that lets them quickly satisfy custom workflow requests from your valuable customers. Does the customer ask for a chain of actions like checking the balance and sending a confirmation email after a hotel booking? It's really just a matter of several clicks.

Extensible connector library

Benefit from a library of ready-to-use connectors, or build your own in just hours—from mainstream applications to your product APIs, or even non-HTTP protocols.

Empowering your entire organisation

With Appmixer, your entire organization wins. Shorter time to market, happier customers and higher sales velocity are at the center of what you get.

Say "Yes" to all customer integration requests

Deliver integrations at scale without waiting for your developers to be available. Make your customers happy, improve retention and win over high-ticket deals. You'll be a star, we promise.

"An incredibly powerful tool available in the format that works for real software product companies."

Edmund M.
Senior Product Manager
Learn more

10x your integration roadmap

Outsource your integration and automation challenges to someone who has been through the difficulties and offers a ready-to-use solution on a silver platter. You know best that your team is needed elsewhere.

"Appmixer is the best product of its kind! It not only comes with a ton of components but allowed us to seamlessly build and integrate our own components."

Vishal Shah
Chief Technology Officer

Separate concerns instead of cooking spaghetti

Work with integration layer as a separate section of your application addressing a separate concern. Aim for clean code that makes maintenance, debugging, scaling and extending easier.

"Well-designed platform for workflow automation with robust API, a quick-to-embed JavaScript SDK, and an intuitive concept of flows and components."

Josef V.
Full Stack Engineer

Innovate with minimal risk and resources

Need to make a quick pivot or build an MVP? There's nothing easier than gluing together technologies to help you reach your goal—without spending more resources or time than you can afford.

"Excellent eIPaaS platform that is easy to extend and even easier to integrate in a product."

Maxime V.
Director of Customer Innovation

Boost your key business metrics

Grow your business with the features high-value customers demand, enhance your SaaS with minimal effort, and outsmart the competition.

"Appmixer is an amazing platform for companies looking for simple, easy & scalable data integrations."

Diego Gomez
Chief Executive Officer

Features you can have but never have to build


Integration templates

A UI widget that helps you launch a full-featured integration marketplace.

No-code automation designer

A powerful interface with drag & drop functionality, advanced logic, and a suite of pre-built connectors.

Real-time data modifiers

Different transformation rules for modifying data passing through workflows in real time.

Logs & Dashboards

Extensive logs and custom dashboards for a complete overview of workflows.


Data storage

A key-value store for storing data and using it within workflows.

File management system

Built-in system for saving files and reusing them in workflows.

Command-line interface

CLI to deploy new connectors and perform various operations.

Admin environment

A single place to manage ACLs, connector library, and other key settings.


Achieve maximum throughput and stability with horizontal engine scalability.

Trusted by visionary product leaders

Hear it directly from them—product leaders who solved their automation challenges with no-code.

Diego Gomes

CEO, Rock Content

"Appmixer is an amazing platform for companies looking for simple, easy & scalable data integrations. We've also been impressed with the agility and the quality of the Appmixer support team."

Oytun T.

CTO, Motaword

"Appmixer platform is very flexible and comes with a good set of components. You can access and modify these components' source code, which is a great help. The flexibility of the Appmixer platform enables flow programming to a very high degree, making the implementor's life much easier. The team behind Appmixer is very supportive; they allocate time to brainstorm compelling cases and sincerely listen to your feedback."

Vishal Shah


"Appmixer is the best product of its kind! It not only comes with a ton of components but allowed us to seamlessly build and integrate our own components. The support from these guys is second to none and even incorporated some of our feature requests into their application!"

Andrew Pirret

VP of Product, Alliants

“Appmixer's embeddable platform has allowed us to benefit from many of the integration and components to create custom flows to deliver on customer automation needs and adapt quickly. The user interface makes it friendly to the eye and easy for customers to manage their own workflows to continually optimise their business operations and customer experience.”

Leon Wilmanns

Product Owner, VIER

"Appmixer saved us a tremendous amount of development time. The default UI of the designer looks great and is ready to be used out of the box. However, if you need to make any changes, Appmixer UI SDK offers all the flexibility needed for embedding into your product seamlessly."

Jan Zenisek

Head of Product Development, Apify

"It’s powerful yet simple to adopt for those with coding skills. In my opinion, a solution like this will soon become a ‘must-have’ for most SaaS companies."

Upgrade your SaaS today

Start a free trial and enrich your SaaS with advanced integration and no-code automation features in a matter of days.