Built-in logs and dashboards

Use our built-in logs and customizable dashboards to gain deep insights into your customers' integrations to provide timely support.

Intuitive logs enabling even non-technical support teams

Avoid spending your developers' precious time on supporting customer integrations. Empower non-technical support teams with intuitive tools to deliver the same level of support excellence in fraction of the time and cost.

Dashboards that keep key data always in view

Create custom dashboards with various charts and data visualization methods. Stay informed about the critical data passing through your customers' integrations.

Embed logs for power users

Embed logs and/or dashboards into your product, giving power users everything they need to monitor and troubleshoot integrations independently. Happier customers, fewer support tickets. How does that sound?

Upgrade your SaaS today

Start a free trial and enrich your SaaS with advanced integration and no-code automation features in a matter of days.