Easy-to-activate integration templates

Pre-configure integrations for your customers in Appmixer, and embed simple-to-use templates anywhere within your SaaS product, enabling customers to activate integrations with just a few clicks.

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50+ people use Jambo today.
INtegration hub

Launch app-rich integration marketplace

Turn your product into an integration hub by launching native integrations with any third-party solutionā€”at scale and with only 10% of your development resources.

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"Appmixer is a powerful integration platform! In my opinion, a solution like this will soon become a ā€˜must-haveā€™ for most SaaS companies"

Jan Z.
VP of Product, Apify
single integration template

Integrate where your customers expect it

Looking to launch just one or a few pre-built integrations? Embed a single integration template anywhere within your product, enabling customers to sync data between your product and any other solution.

How integration templates work

A few steps to connect your product to others.

Pre-build integrations in Appmixer

Build common integration use cases in Appmixer, using our no-code integration designer.

+ Prerequisiteļ»æ

First, build a custom connector for your product and embed Appmixer within it. Check out our technical guide.

Set the configurable fields

After connecting applications (e.g., your product and Mailchimp), select the fields your customers can configure.

For example, if you want them to authenticate their Mailchimp accounts and choose the audience for adding new contacts, include these fields in the integration template.

Set the access rules & publish

Want to publish the integration to all customers or just a specific group? Set the access rules and hit the publish button.

Amaze customers with new integrations šŸŽ‰

Once pre-configured and published, your customers can access and activate the integration directly within your product without realizing theyā€™re interacting with an external component.

Troubleshoot using built-in logs

Provide exceptional support with a complete overview of your customers' integrations. Use built-in logs to quickly resolve any integration-related issues.

the future of integrations

Go beyond. Embed the no-code automation designer.

>>> Step into the future of SaaS integrations and empower customers to build their own automations within your product. Every customer has different needs, and now you can satisfy them all.

your next biggest release is here

Upgrade your product with AI-powered no-code automation

Step into the future of SaaS integrations.